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Thursday, October 31, 2013

Seven Principles of Software Testing

FIRST PRINCIPLE - Presence of Bug:
The first principle of software testing is to find out the bug from the software or website by hook or cook. There is not any software which has not the bug. All softwares have some bugs or limitations. Testing process is only performed to find out the undiscovered bugs.

SECOND PRINCIPLE  Complete Testing is not Possible:
As per mentioned in first principle of Software Testing that testing can reduce the probability of undiscovered bugs remained in the software but there is not any guaranty about bugs, Complete bug can not be removed from the software even with the help of complete testing. So possibilities of bugs never finished

Testing should start as early as possible. Early testing can manage the time and expend of project. Testing is very time consuming process. But if it start early then it can be possible to deliver the bug free and quality software to client on time.

Bug reporting is also the very important life line of software quality maintenance process.If Bug reporting is proper and correct then developer can easily understand and fix the bugs, otherwise developer will commented the bug as unclear bug and again assign the project to Test team for testing Which caused very time consuming and delay in dead line of project.

FIFTH PRINCIPLE -  Contradiction or Paradox :
This is the general thing of testing process. Developer will do his work and tester will do his own work. Both works are opposite to each other. So contradiction will create generally there.

SIXTH PRINCIPLE - Testing is Requirement dependent:
This is not necessary that testing for same domain will be same for all the clients. dependent on client requirement. In first domain client want some different and in other domain client has different requirement but domain and its motive is same.
For example like: he way you test a e-commerce site will be different from the way you test a commercial off the shelf application

SEVENTH PRINCILE - Absence of errors or fallacy:

Finding the errors or bugs and fixing them is not the thing which declares the requirement of client that has been completed and fulfill. This is another process of finding bug and fixing them.

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