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Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Workflow Variables

Workflow Variables Overview:

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You can create and use variables in a workflow to reference values and record information. For example, use a Variable in a Decision task to determine whether the previous task ran properly. If it did, you can run the next task.

If not, you can stop the workflow. Use the following types of workflow variables:

  • Predefined workflow variables. The Workflow Manager provides predefined workflow variables for tasks within a workflow.
  • User-defined workflow variables. You create user-defined workflow variables when you create a workflow. Use workflow variables when you configure the following types of tasks:
  • Assignment tasks. Use an Assignment task to assign a value to a user-defined workflow variable. For Example, you can increment a user-defined counter variable by setting the variable to its current value plus 1.
  • Decision tasks. Decision tasks determine how the Integration Service runs a workflow. For example, use the Status variable to run a second session only if the first session completes successfully.
  • Links. Links connect each workflow task. Use workflow variables in links to create branches in the workflow. For example, after a Decision task, you can create one link to follow when the decision condition evaluates to true, and another link to follow when the decision condition evaluates to false.
  • Timer tasks. Timer tasks specify when the Integration Service begins to run the next task in the workflow. Use a user-defined date/time variable to specify the time the Integration Service starts to run the next task.

Use the following keywords to write expressions for user-defined and predefined workflow variables:

  • AND
  • OR
  • NOT
  • TRUE
  • NULL

Predefined Workflow Variables:

Each workflow contains a set of predefined variables that you use to evaluate workflow and task conditions. Use the following types of predefined variables:

  • Task-specific variables. The Workflow Manager provides a set of task-specific variables for each task in the workflow. Use task-specific variables in a link condition to control the path the Integration Service takes when running the workflow. The Workflow Manager lists task-specific variables under the task name in the Expression Editor.
  • Built-in variables. Use built-in variables in a workflow to return run-time or system information such as folder name, Integration Service Name, system date, or workflow start time. The Workflow Manager lists built-in variables under the Built-in node in the Expression Editor.


DescriptionTask TypesData type

Evaluation result of decision condition expression.
If the task fails, the Workflow Manager keeps the condition set to null.

Sample syntax:
$Dec_TaskStatus.Condition =

End Time

Date and time the associated task ended. Precision is to the second.
Sample syntax:
$s_item_summary.EndTime > TO_DATE('11/10/2004

All tasksDate/Time

Last error code for the associated task. If there is no error, the Integration Service sets ErrorCode to 0 when the task completes.
Sample syntax:
$s_item_summary.ErrorCode = 24013.
Note: You might use this variable when a task consistently fails with this final error message.

All tasksInteger

Last error message for the associated task.If there is no error, the Integration Service sets ErrorMsg to an empty string when the task completes.
Sample syntax:
$s_item_summary.ErrorMsg = 'PETL_24013 Session run
completed with failure
Variables of type Nstring can have a maximum length of 600 characters.
Note: You might use this variable when a task consistently fails
with this final error message.

All tasksNstring
First Error Code

Error code for the first error message in the session.
If there is no error, the Integration Service sets FirstErrorCode to 0
when the session completes.
Sample syntax:
$s_item_summary.FirstErrorCode = 7086


First error message in the session.If there is no error, the Integration Service sets FirstErrorMsg to an empty string when the task completes.
Sample syntax:
$s_item_summary.FirstErrorMsg = 'TE_7086 Tscrubber:
Debug info… Failed to evalWrapUp'Variables of type Nstring can have a maximum length of 600 characters.


Status of the previous task in the workflow that the Integration Service ran. Statuses include:
Use these key words when writing expressions to evaluate the status of the previous task.
Sample syntax:
$Dec_TaskStatus.PrevTaskStatus = FAILED

All TasksInteger

Total number of rows the Integration Service failed to read from the source.
Sample syntax:
$s_dist_loc.SrcFailedRows = 0


Total number of rows successfully read from the sources.
Sample syntax:
$s_dist_loc.SrcSuccessRows > 2500


Date and time the associated task started. Precision is to the second.
Sample syntax:
$s_item_summary.StartTime > TO_DATE('11/10/2004

All TaskDate/Time

Status of the previous task in the workflow. Statuses include:
Use these key words when writing expressions to evaluate the status of the current task.
Sample syntax:
$s_dist_loc.Status = SUCCEEDED

All TaskInteger

Total number of rows the Integration Service failed to write to the target.
Sample syntax:
$s_dist_loc.TgtFailedRows = 0


Total number of rows successfully written to the target.
Sample syntax:
$s_dist_loc.TgtSuccessRows > 0


Total number of transformation errors.
Sample syntax:
$s_dist_loc.TotalTransErrors = 5


User-Defined Workflow Variables:

You can create variables within a workflow. When you create a variable in a workflow, it is valid only in that workflow. Use the variable in tasks within that workflow. You can edit and delete user-defined workflow variables.

Use user-defined variables when you need to make a workflow decision based on criteria you specify. For example, you create a workflow to load data to an orders database nightly. You also need to load a subset of this data to headquarters periodically, every tenth time you update the local orders database. Create separate sessions to update the local database and the one at headquarters.


Use a user-defined variable to determine when to run the session that updates the orders database at headquarters.

To configure user-defined workflow variables, complete the following steps:

1. Create a persistent workflow variable, $$WorkflowCount, to represent the number of times the workflow has run.

2. Add a Start task and both sessions to the workflow.

3. Place a Decision task after the session that updates the local orders database.Set up the decision condition to check to see if the number of workflow runs is evenly divisible by 10. Use the modulus (MOD) function to do this.

4. Create an Assignment task to increment the $$WorkflowCount variable by one.

5. Link the Decision task to the session that updates the database at headquarters when the decision condition evaluates to true. Link it to the Assignment task when the decision condition evaluates to false. When you configure workflow variables using conditions, the session that updates the local database runs every time the workflow runs. The session that updates the database at headquarters runs every 10th time the workflow runs.

Creating User-Defined Workflow Variables :

You can create workflow variables for a workflow in the workflow properties.

To create a workflow variable:

1. In the Workflow Designer, create a new workflow or edit an existing one.

2. Select the Variables tab.

3. Click Add.

4. Enter the information in the following table and click OK:


Variable name. The correct format is $$VariableName. Workflow variable names are not case sensitive.
Do not use a single dollar sign ($) for a user-defined workflow variable. The single dollar sign
is reserved for predefined workflow variables

Data type

Data type of the variable. You can select from the following data types:
- Date/Time
- Double
- Integer
- Nstring


Whether the variable is persistent. Enable this option if you want the value of the variable
retained from one execution of the workflow to the next.

Default Value

Default value of the variable. The Integration Service uses this value for the variable during
sessions if you do not set a value for the variable in the parameter file and there is no value
stored in the repository.
Variables of type Date/Time can have the following formats:
You can use the following separators: dash (-), slash (/), backslash (\), colon (:), period (.), and
space. The Integration Service ignores extra spaces. You cannot use one- or three-digit values
for year or the “HH12” format for hour.
Variables of type Nstring can have a maximum length of 600 characters.

Is NullWhether the default value of the variable is null. If the default value is null, enable this option.
DescriptionDescription associated with the variable.

5. To validate the default value of the new workflow variable, click the Validate button.

6. Click Apply to save the new workflow variable.

7. Click OK.

Grid Processing

Grid Processing Overview:

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When a Power Center domain contains multiple nodes, you can configure workflows and sessions to run on a grid. When you run a workflow on a grid, the Integration Service runs a service process on each available node of the grid to increase performance and scalability. When you run a session on a grid, the Integration Service distributes session threads to multiple DTM processes on nodes in the grid to increase performance and scalability.
You create the grid and configure the Integration Service in the Administration Console. To run a workflow on a grid, you configure the workflow to run on the Integration Service associated with the grid. To run a session on a grid, configure the session to run on the grid.

The Integration Service distributes workflow tasks and session threads based on how you configure the workflow or session to run:

  • Running workflows on a grid. The Integration Service distributes workflows across the nodes in a grid. It also distributes the Session, Command, and predefined Event-Wait tasks within workflows across the nodes in a grid.
  • Running sessions on a grid. The Integration Service distributes session threads across nodes in a grid.

Note: To run workflows on a grid, you must have the Server grid option. To run sessions on a grid, you must have the Session on Grid option.

Running Workflows on a Grid:

When you run a workflow on a grid, the master service process runs the workflow and all tasks except Session, Command, and predefined Event-Wait tasks, which it may distribute to other nodes. The master service process is the Integration Service process that runs the workflow, monitors service processes running on other nodes, and runs the Load Balancer. The Scheduler runs on the master service process node, so it uses the date and time for the master service process node to start scheduled workflows.

The Load Balancer is the component of the Integration Service that dispatches Session, Command, and predefined Event-Wait tasks to the nodes in the grid. The Load Balancer distributes tasks based on node availability. If the Integration Service is configured to check resources, the Load Balancer also distributes tasks based on resource availability.

For example, a workflow contains a Session task, a Decision task, and a Command task. You specify a resource requirement for the Session task. The grid contains four nodes, and Node 4 is unavailable. The master service process runs the Start and Decision tasks. The Load Balancer distributes the Session and Command tasks to

nodes on the grid based on resource availability and node availability.

Running Sessions on a Grid:

When you run a session on a grid, the master service process runs the workflow and all tasks except Session, Command, and predefined Event-Wait tasks as it does when you run a workflow on a grid. The Scheduler runs on the master service process node, so it uses the date and time for the master service process node to start scheduled workflows. In addition, the Load Balancer distributes session threads to DTM processes running on different nodes.

When you run a session on a grid, the Load Balancer distributes session threads based on the following factors:

  • Node availability :- The Load Balancer verifies which nodes are currently running, enabled, and available for task dispatch.
  • Resource availability :- If the Integration Service is configured to check resources, it identifies nodes that have resources required by mapping objects in the session.
  • Partitioning configuration. The Load Balancer dispatches groups of session threads to separate nodes based on the partitioning configuration.

You might want to configure a session to run on a grid when the workflow contains a session that takes a long time to run.

Grid Connectivity and Recovery

When you run a workflow or session on a grid, service processes and DTM processes run on different nodes. Network failures can cause connectivity loss between processes running on separate nodes. Services may shut down unexpectedly, or you may disable the Integration Service or service processes while a workflow or session is running. The Integration Service failover and recovery behavior in these situations depends on the service process that is disabled, shuts down, or loses connectivity. Recovery behavior also depends on the following factors:

  • High availability option:-When you have high availability, workflows fail over to another node if the node or service shuts down. If you do not have high availability, you can manually restart a workflow on another node to recover it.
  • Recovery strategy:- You can configure a workflow to suspend on error. You configure a recovery strategy for tasks within the workflow. When a workflow suspends, the recovery behavior depends on the recovery strategy you configure for each task in the workflow.
  • Shutdown mode:- When you disable an Integration Service or service process, you can specify that the service completes, aborts, or stops processes running on the service. Behavior differs when you disable the Integration Service or you disable a service process. Behavior also differs when you disable a master service process or a worker service process. The Integration Service or service process may also shut down unexpectedly. In this case, the failover and recovery behavior depend on which service process shuts down and the configured recovery strategy.
  • Running mode:-If the workflow runs on a grid, the Integration Service can recover workflows and tasks on another node. If a session runs on a grid, you cannot configure a resume recovery strategy.
  • Operating mode:- If the Integration Service runs in safe mode, recovery is disabled for sessions and workflows.

Note: You cannot configure an Integration Service to fail over in safe mode if it runs on a grid.

Mapping Templates

Mapping Templates Overview :

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A mapping template is a drawing in Visio that represents a PowerCenter mapping. You can configure rules and parameters in a mapping template to specify the transformation logic.

Use the Informatica Stencil and the Informatica toolbar in the Mapping Architect for Visio to create a mapping template. The Informatica Stencil contains shapes that represent mapping objects that you can use to create a mapping template. The Informatica toolbar contains buttons for the tasks you can perform on mapping template.

You can create a mapping template manually, or you can create a mapping template by importing a Power Center mapping.

Creating a Mapping Template Manually:

You can use the Informatica Stencil and the Informatica toolbar to create a mapping template. Save and publish a mapping template to create the mapping template files.

To create a mapping template manually, complete the following steps:

1. Start Mapping Architect for Visio.

2. Verify that the Informatica Stencil and Informatica toolbar are available.

3. Drag the mapping objects from the Informatica Stencil to the drawing window:- Use the mapping objects to create visual representation of the mapping.

4. Create links:- Create links to connect mapping objects.

5. Configure link rules:- Configure rules for each link in the mapping template to indicate how data moves from one mapping object to another. Use parameters to make the rules flexible.

6. Configure the mapping objects:- Add a group or expression required by the transformations in the mapping template. To create multiple mappings, set a parameter for the source or target definition.

7. Declare mapping parameters and variables to use when you run sessions in Power Center:- After you import the mappings created from the mapping template into Power Center, you can use the mapping parameters and variables in the session or workflow.

8. Validate the mapping template.

9. Save the mapping template:- Save changes to the mapping template drawing file.

10. Publish the mapping template:- When you publish the mapping template, Mapping Architect for Visio generates a mapping template XML file and a mapping template parameter file (param.xml).If you edit the mapping template drawing file after you publish it, you need to publish again. Do not edit the mapping template XML file.

Importing a Mapping Template from a Power Center:

If you have a Power Center mapping that you want to use as a basis for a mapping template, export the mapping to a mapping XML file and then use the mapping XML file to create a mapping template.

Note: Export the mapping XML file within the current Power Center release. Informatica does not support imported objects from a different release.

To import a mapping template from a Power Center mapping, complete the following steps:

1. Export a Power Center mapping. In the Designer, select the mapping that you want to base the mapping template on and export it to an XML file.

2. Start Mapping Architect for Visio.

3. Verify that the Informatica stencil and Informatica toolbar are available.

4. Import the mapping. On the Informatica toolbar, click the Create Template from Mapping XML button. Mapping Architect for Visio determines the mapping objects and links included in the mapping and adds the appropriate objects to the drawing window.

5. Verify links. Create or verify links that connect mapping objects.

6. Configure link rules. Configure rules for each link in the mapping template to indicate how data moves from one mapping object to another. Use parameters to make the rules flexible.

7. Configure the mapping objects. Add a group or expression required by the transformations in the mapping template. To create multiple mappings, set a parameter for the source or target definition.

8. Declare mapping parameters and variables to use when you run the session in Power Center. After you import the mappings created from the mapping template into Power Center, you can use the mapping parameters and variables in the session or workflow.

Note: If the Power Center mapping contains mapping parameters and variables, it is possible that the mapping parameters and variables ($$ParameterName) may not work for all mappings you plan to create from the mapping template. Modify or declare new mapping parameters and variables appropriate for running the new mappings created from the mapping template.

9. Validate the mapping template.

10. Save the mapping template. Save changes to the mapping template drawing file.

11. Publish the mapping template. When you publish the mapping template, Mapping Architect for Visio generates a mapping template XML file and a mapping template parameter file (param.xml).

If you make any change to the mapping template after publishing, you need to publish the mapping template again. Do not edit the mapping template XML file.

Note: Mapping Architect for Visio fails to create a mapping template if you import a mapping that includes an unsupported source type, target type, or mapping object.

Incremental Aggregation:

When we enable the session option-> Incremental Aggregation the Integration Service performs incremental aggregation, it passes source data through the mapping and uses historical cache data to perform aggregation calculations incrementally.

When using incremental aggregation, you apply captured changes in the source to aggregate calculations in a session. If the source changes incrementally and you can capture changes, you can configure the session to process those changes. This allows the Integration Service to update the target incrementally, rather than forcing it to process the entire source and recalculate the same data each time you run the session.

For example, you might have a session using a source that receives new data every day. You can capture those incremental changes because you have added a filter condition to the mapping that removes pre-existing data from the flow of data. You then enable incremental aggregation.

When the session runs with incremental aggregation enabled for the first time on March 1, you use the entire source. This allows the Integration Service to read and store the necessary aggregate data. On March 2, when you run the session again, you filter out all the records except those time-stamped March 2. The Integration Service then processes the new data and updates the target accordingly.Consider using incremental aggregation in the following circumstances:

  • You can capture new source data. Use incremental aggregation when you can capture new source data each time you run the session. Use a Stored Procedure or Filter transformation to process new data.
  • Incremental changes do not significantly change the target. Use incremental aggregation when the changes do not significantly change the target. If processing the incrementally changed source alters more than half the existing target, the session may not benefit from using incremental aggregation. In this case, drop the table and recreate the target with complete source data.

Note: Do not use incremental aggregation if the mapping contains percentile or median functions. The Integration Service uses system memory to process these functions in addition to the cache memory you configure in the session properties. As a result, the Integration Service does not store incremental aggregation values for percentile and median functions in disk caches.

Integration Service Processing for Incremental Aggregation

(i)The first time you run an incremental aggregation session, the Integration Service processes the entire source. At the end of the session, the Integration Service stores aggregate data from that session run in two files, the index file and the data file. The Integration Service creates the files in the cache directory specified in the Aggregator transformation properties.

(ii)Each subsequent time you run the session with incremental aggregation, you use the incremental source changes in the session. For each input record, the Integration Service checks historical information in the index file for a corresponding group. If it finds a corresponding group, the Integration Service performs the aggregate operation incrementally, using the aggregate data for that group, and saves the incremental change. If it does not find a corresponding group, the Integration Service creates a new group and saves the record data.

(iii)When writing to the target, the Integration Service applies the changes to the existing target. It saves modified aggregate data in the index and data files to be used as historical data the next time you run the session.

(iv) If the source changes significantly and you want the Integration Service to continue saving aggregate data for future incremental changes, configure the Integration Service to overwrite existing aggregate data with new aggregate data.

Each subsequent time you run a session with incremental aggregation, the Integration Service creates a backup of the incremental aggregation files. The cache directory for the Aggregator transformation must contain enough disk space for two sets of the files.

(v)When you partition a session that uses incremental aggregation, the Integration Service creates one set of cache files for each partition.

The Integration Service creates new aggregate data, instead of using historical data, when you perform one of the following tasks:

  • Save a new version of the mapping.
  • Configure the session to reinitialize the aggregate cache.
  • Move the aggregate files without correcting the configured path or directory for the files in the session properties.
  • Change the configured path or directory for the aggregate files without moving the files to the new location.
  • Delete cache files.
  • Decrease the number of partitions.

When the Integration Service rebuilds incremental aggregation files, the data in the previous files is lost.

Note: To protect the incremental aggregation files from file corruption or disk failure, periodically back up the files.

Preparing for Incremental Aggregation:

When you use incremental aggregation, you need to configure both mapping and session properties:

  • Implement mapping logic or filter to remove pre-existing data.
  • Configure the session for incremental aggregation and verify that the file directory has enough disk space for the aggregate files.

Configuring the Mapping

Before enabling incremental aggregation, you must capture changes in source data. You can use a Filter or Stored Procedure transformation in the mapping to remove pre-existing source data during a session.

Configuring the Session

Use the following guidelines when you configure the session for incremental aggregation:

(i) Verify the location where you want to store the aggregate files.

  • The index and data files grow in proportion to the source data. Be sure the cache directory has enough disk space to store historical data for the session.
  • When you run multiple sessions with incremental aggregation, decide where you want the files stored. Then, enter the appropriate directory for the process variable, $PMCacheDir, in the Workflow Manager. You can enter session-specific directories for the index and data files. However, by using the process variable for all sessions using incremental aggregation, you can easily change the cache directory when necessary by changing $PMCacheDir.
  • Changing the cache directory without moving the files causes the Integration Service to reinitialize the aggregate cache and gather new aggregate data.
  • In a grid, Integration Services rebuild incremental aggregation files they cannot find. When an Integration Service rebuilds incremental aggregation files, it loses aggregate history.

(ii) Verify the incremental aggregation settings in the session properties.

  • You can configure the session for incremental aggregation in the Performance settings on the Properties tab.
  • You can also configure the session to reinitialize the aggregate cache. If you choose to reinitialize the cache, the Workflow Manager displays a warning indicating the Integration Service overwrites the existing cache and a reminder to clear this option after running the session.

Type 2

SCD 2 (Complete):

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Let us drive the point home using a simple scenario. For eg., in the current month ie.,(01-01-2010) we are provided with an source table with the three columns and three rows in it like (EMpno,Ename,Sal). There is a new employee added and one change in the records in the month (01-02-2010). We are gonna use the SCD-2 style to extract and load the records in to target table.
  • The thing to be noticed here is if there is any update in the salary of any employee then the history of that employee is displayed with the current date as the start date and the previous date as the end date.

Source Table: (01-01-11)

Emp no












Target Table: (01-01-11)


Emp no































Source Table: (01-02-11)

Emp no















Target Table: (01-02-11)


Emp no















































In the second Month we have one more employee added up to the table with the Ename D and salary of the Employee is changed to the 2500 instead of 2000.

Step 1: Is to import Source Table and Target table.

  • Create a table by name emp_source with three columns as shown above in oracle.
  • Import the source from the source analyzer.
  • Drag the Target table twice on to the mapping designer to facilitate insert or update process.
  • Go to the targets Menu and click on generate and execute to confirm the creation of the target tables.
  • The snap shot of the connections using different kinds of transformations are shown below.


  • In The Target Table we are goanna add five columns (Skey, Version, Flag, S_date ,E_Date).

Step 2: Design the mapping and apply the necessary transformation.

  • Here in this transformation we are about to use four kinds of transformations namely Lookup transformation (1), Expression Transformation (3), Filter Transformation (2), Sequence Generator. Necessity and the usage of all the transformations will be discussed in detail below.

Look up Transformation: The purpose of this transformation is to Lookup on the target table and to compare the same with the Source using the Lookup Condition.

  • The first thing that we are gonna do is to create a look up transformation and connect the Empno from the source qualifier to the transformation.
  • The snapshot of choosing the Target table is shown below.


  • Drag the Empno column from the Source Qualifier to the Lookup Transformation.
  • The Input Port for only the Empno1 should be checked.
  • In the Properties tab (i) Lookup table name ->Emp_Target.

(ii)Look up Policy on Multiple Mismatch -> use Last Value.

(iii) Connection Information ->Oracle.

  • In the Conditions tab (i) Click on Add a new condition

(ii)Lookup Table Column should be Empno, Transformation port should be Empno1 and Operator should ‘=’.

Expression Transformation: After we are done with the Lookup Transformation we are using an expression transformation to find whether the data on the source table matches with the target table. We specify the condition here whether to insert or to update the table. The steps to create an Expression Transformation are shown below.

  • Drag all the columns from both the source and the look up transformation and drop them all on to the Expression transformation.
  • Now double click on the Transformation and go to the Ports tab and create two new columns and name it as insert and update. Both these columns are goanna be our output data so we need to have unchecked input check box.
  • The Snap shot for the Edit transformation window is shown below.


  • The condition that we want to parse through our output data are listed below.

Insert : IsNull(EmpNO1)

Update: iif(Not isnull (Skey) and Decode(SAL,SAL1,1,0)=0,1,0) .

  • We are all done here .Click on apply and then OK.

Filter Transformation: We need two filter transformations the purpose the first filter is to filter out the records which we are goanna insert and the next is vice versa.

  • If there is no change in input data then filter transformation 1 forwards the complete input to Exp 1 and same output is goanna appear in the target table.
  • If there is any change in input data then filter transformation 2 forwards the complete input to the Exp 2 then it is gonna forward the updated input to the target table.
  • Go to the Properties tab on the Edit transformation

(i) The value for the filter condition 1 is Insert.

(ii) The value for the filter condition 2 is Update.

  • The closer view of the connections from the expression to the filter is shown below.


Sequence Generator: We use this to generate an incremental cycle of sequential range of number.The purpose of this in our mapping is to increment the skey in the bandwidth of 100.


  • We are gonna have a sequence generator and the purpose of the sequence generator is to increment the values of the skey in the multiples of 100 (bandwidth of 100).
  • Connect the output of the sequence transformation to the Exp 1.

Expression Transformation:

Exp 1: It updates the target table with the skey values. Point to be noticed here is skey gets multiplied by 100 and a new row is generated if there is any new EMP added to the list. Else the there is no modification done on the target table.


  • Drag all the columns from the filter 1 to the Exp 1.
  • Now add a new column as N_skey and the expression for it is gonna be Nextval1*100.
  • We are goanna make the s-date as the o/p and the expression for it is sysdate.
  • Flag is also made as output and expression parsed through it is 1.
  • Version is also made as output and expression parsed through it is 1.

Exp 2: If same employee is found with any updates in his records then Skey gets added by 1 and version changes to the next higher number,F

  • Drag all the columns from the filter 2 to the Exp 2.
  • Now add a new column as N_skey and the expression for it is gonna be Skey+1.
  • Both the S_date and E_date is gonna be sysdate.


Exp 3: If any record of in the source table gets updated then we make it only as the output.


  • If change is found then we are gonna update the E_Date to S_Date.

Update Strategy: This is place from where the update instruction is set on the target table.

  • The update strategy expression is set to 1.

Step 3: Create the task and Run the work flow.

  • Don’t check the truncate table option.
  • Change Bulk to the Normal.
  • Run the work flow from task.
  • Create the task and run the work flow.


Step 4: Preview the Output in the target table.
